Card of Thanks

"One day we will know that death can never rob us, what our soul has won," wrote an Indian philosopher.

Our senior partner, Mr. Josef Wiegand, died on 13 February of this year in his 80th age after a short illness.

The life of a beautiful person came to an end.

But it is like Rabindranath Thakur said: His work, his legacy lives on in the family and in the company. For the time together we are all very grateful.

Mr. Wiegand leaves a big gap. 

We will remember him as a great person and exemplary entrepreneur.


Thank you very much,

we say to those who brought their exceedingly great and cordial sympathy in many ways, felt with us connected in silent grief and took leave together with us.

Also thanks to all the donors who have supported the German Cancer Aid with an amount of almost EUR 6000,--.


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